Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Advocacy Video

PECaD coordinator Marilyn Wilson in new Komen advocacy video.

In our last newsletter, we reported that PECaD staff and community partners were filmed for a Susan G. Komen Center for Public Policy advocacy video about barriers to care during breast cancer treatment. The video, featuring PECaD coordinator Marilyn Wilson and two of our community partners, Dr. Nicole Robinson and Chantelle Nickson-Clark, is now available. We look forward to spreading this message and continuing to be advocates for change. View the video on Vimeo now.

The video follows on the 2019 Susan G. Komen Advocacy Summit in May in Washington D.C., which PECaD staff members attended. It will be shown to legislators to raise awareness of the financial and other burdens many people face during care who have no insurance or inadequate insurance.

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