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Child asthma exacerbation: Role of caregiver risk beliefs

Faculty Involved: Erika Waters, Jean Hunleth

Drs. Waters,  Hunleth, and colleagues will used a mixed methods research design to gain in-depth understanding of the psychological and social factors that shape the decision making process that caregivers use to care for their asthmatic children.  This project will provide evidence-based behavioral strategies to improve the lives of 6.2 million children who are affected by asthma.


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Communicating Multiple Disease Risks

Faculty involved: Erika Waters, PhD, MPH

This study, Communicating Multiple Disease Risks: A Translation of Risk Prediction Science, translates epidemiological data about five major health consequences of insufficient physical activity into a visual display that conveys individualized risk estimates in a way that is understandable and meaningful to diverse lay audiences and motivates physical activity behavior.

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Community Engagement in Research

Faculty involved: Mary Politi, Bettina Drake, Esther Lu, Aimee James, Jean Hunleth, Erika Waters, PhD, MPH, Vetta Sanders Thompson, Graham Colditz

This line of research strives to engage all members of the community throughout the research process to help navigate the healthcare process.

Your Disease Risk

Your Disease Risk

Faculty involved: Graham Colditz, Erika Waters, PhD, MPH, Adetunji Toriola, Bettina Drake, Siobhan Sutcliffe, Yikyung Park

Personalized health assessment tool that allows people to see their risk for common chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer risk.