For Your Health – Not Just Pink: Key Cancer Screenings for Men and Women

Smiling female doctor consulting with senior male patient and adult daughter in exam room

And while October focuses on mammograms for breast cancer, this translates just as well to other key tests for colon, lung, cervical and prostate cancers.  As we begin our annual move toward fall and more normal routines of work, school and family, it can be a great time to make sure that all of us are […]

Study Finds Smokers More Likely to Miss Cancer Screenings

Even though smoking is an important cause of multiple cancers, women who smoke are less likely to get recommended cancer screening tests than those who don’t smoke.  That’s the finding from a new study of the large Women’s Health Initiative.  Published yesterday in the journal, BMJ Open, the study followed 89,000 U.S. women for just […]