For Your Health – A simple, healthy boost to winter comfort foods

Whole grain penne, olive oil, tomato, basil and feta cheese, garlic on a wooden board.

It’s the time of year when we’re drawn to comfort foods. As the days get shorter and hats and coats take center stage in the closet, many of us seek out dishes that warm us up.  While comfort foods vary, they commonly include casseroles, soups, stews and noodle dishes, among others. They’re often familiar foods […]

For Your Health – Warming Up to Cold-Weather Activities

Family of four with young children in warm clothes enjoying an autumn walk in the woods

“Find the activities that bring you joy, and you won’t stop at a little cold weather to fit them in.” Dr. Elizabeth Salerno Maybe it’ll be this week. Maybe next, or the week after. But before long, the weather’s going to make its shift to the consistently colder days of fall and winter. While that […]

For Your Health – Not Just Pink: Key Cancer Screenings for Men and Women

Smiling female doctor consulting with senior male patient and adult daughter in exam room

And while October focuses on mammograms for breast cancer, this translates just as well to other key tests for colon, lung, cervical and prostate cancers.  As we begin our annual move toward fall and more normal routines of work, school and family, it can be a great time to make sure that all of us are […]

For Your Health – The A to Zzzzz of Healthy Sleep

Lying on stomach. Smiling African American woman peacefully sleeping on connected hands and having pleasant dreams

Getting too little sleep or too much sleep disrupts the circadian rhythm – our natural ‘body clock’ – which leads to many unfavorable responses in the body Dr. Yikyung Park It’s that time of year when it can be pretty easy to lose a couple hours of good sleep.  Even if we’re usually pretty good […]

For Your Health – Healthy Ways to Stay Hydrated This Summer

When it comes to those healthier choices, simpler is almost always better. Summer can be a thirsty time, and a cold drink on a hot day is one of the real pleasures of the season. When it comes to healthy ways to stay hydrated this summer – or any other time of year – not […]

For Your Health – 10 Sun Safety Tips for Summer Fun 

Looking up towards a blue sky under a yellow sun umbrella

The basics are pretty simple: Find shade, use sunscreen and wear sun-safe clothes. But some extra tips can really help us put these into practice. If all the picnics, barbeques and trips to the park didn’t give it away, summer is now officially in full swing, and for many of us that means getting outside […]

For Your Health – It’s Not Just What We Eat, But When We Eat Can Matter, Too.

Photo of a traditional analog red alarm clock with red bells and white face with black numbers and mark, showing approximately 10:10 and 18 seconds, on light blue background.

“So far, studies suggest that people eating more calories earlier in the day are less likely to develop metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, than those eating more calories later in the day.” – Dr. Yikyung Park It’s that time of year where the calendar still says “spring,” but the weather and the […]

For Your Health – Spring Toward Wellness

A scientific paper recently looked at the links between the time of year and how physically active we are, finding that spring is a season when many people are most active.  Summer does very well, too, of course. But in some studies, spring took the top spot outright. It’s pretty easy to see why – there’s […]

For Your Health – Understanding Prostate Cancer Screening and Prevention

Hand in blue surgical gloves holds a vial of blood with the label: Free PSA Test.

Prostate cancer isn’t a pleasant topic to think about. But at the same time, it’s a cancer that many of us are, unfortunately, familiar with. It’s likely impacted people in our lives, whether it’s family members, friends or those we know through school or work. So, whether it’s for ourselves or those we care about, […]

For Your Health – At the Heart of It, Even a Little Physical Activity Has Benefits

“Really, every minute of activity can be beneficial,” says Salerno. It’s likely not the first heart-themed celebration that comes to mind in February – that of course goes to Valentine’s Day – but American Heart Month certainly deserves just as much attention as its more popular counterpart. While we’ve made a lot of progress in […]

For Your Health – Zero Alcohol is Likely the Healthiest Amount

“It’s well past time to change how we talk about alcohol’s impact on health.” With New Year’s celebrations behind us and the promise of the new year ahead, it can be a great time to talk about the relationship between alcohol and our health. While the dangers of regular heavy drinking and binge drinking (drinking […]

For Your Health – Simple Tips for Keeping Weight in Check and Improving Health

Weight can be a tricky topic. While our weight has no bearing on who we are or how we should be viewed or treated, it can be quite important when it comes to health and well-being. And that can be very meaningful – not only to us personally but also to our family, friends and […]

For Your Health – The Many Benefits of Spending Time in Greenspaces

As wonderful as summertime can be, there’s also something really nice about the calendar – and the weather – turning toward fall.  The light starts to soften a bit, and the crisp mornings and warm afternoons invite us to spend more time outside.   Maybe that’s walking the kids home from school, cycling to the grocery store […]

For Your Health – Planning for a healthier school year

August 4, 2022 It’s not what many kids want to hear right now, but the new school year is just around the corner.  Even while the long days remain filled with summer activities, families are starting to make plans for the first day of school and the coming year.   While it’s hard to know what might […]

For Your Health – 4 Healthy Eating Tips That Can Lower the Risk of Cancer

July 5, 2022 It’s likely no surprise to read that what we choose to eat and drink can have a large impact on our health, including our risk of cancer.  Practically from the time we can sit up at the kitchen table, we’re reminded of the importance of eating our vegetables.  And although some of the messages […]

For Your Health – Enjoying Summertime Sun, Safely

June 1, 2022  For the last few years, summertime has felt even more special to me than usual. With the long, warm days, we’re finally able to get outside more and enjoy walks, bike rides and time at the park – often with family and friends we may not have seen for a while. In […]

For Your Health: Young adults, keep eating your vegetables (and other great advice)

If you’ve finally reached that age when you’re officially an adult and starting to branch out on your own for work, school or another adventure, you’ve likely received a lot of advice from the older adults in your life. Some of it you may have sought out. Most of it, probably not. And, yes, as […]

Simple Steps to Lower Breast Cancer Risk

This post first appeared as a For Your Health column in October 2019. For a disease as scary as breast cancer, one positive and very important message that deserves to be heard more often during Breast Cancer Awareness Month is that it’s a disease that can be prevented. Research shows that about half of all […]