Hamlet Gasoyan, PhD, MPH

Hamlet Gasoyan, PhD, MPH

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Division of Public Health Sciences

PhD in Health Policy and Health Services Research, Temple University, 2021
MPH, University of South Florida, 2014
Residency in Prosthodontics, Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia), 2012
Doctor of Stomatology (Dental Medicine), Yerevan State Medical University (Armenia), 2009

Dr. Gasoyan’s research focuses on health insurance design, value-based payment models, and health outcomes for individuals with obesity and chronic diseases. His dissertation project analyzed clinical and claims data from hospitals and outpatient centers in Southeastern Pennsylvania to examine the impact of insurance plan design on access to bariatric surgery and short-term inpatient healthcare utilization after bariatric surgery. Hamlet joins the Division of Public Health Sciences as a postdoctoral research associate to expand his research in those areas using quantitative and econometric analyses.

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