Access to Care

Addressing Rural Cancer Health Disparities: SCC-SIUSM Partnership
Faculty involved: Graham Colditz, Aimee James, Erin Linnenbringer, Mary Politi, Siobhan Sutcliffe
The partnership between The Southern Illinois University School of Medicine and Siteman Cancer Center investigates rural cancer disparities and ways to help educate, train, and implement effective strategies to reduce the disparities seen in rural communities.

Community Engagement in Research
Faculty involved: Mary Politi, Bettina Drake, Esther Lu, Aimee James, Jean Hunleth, Erika Waters, PhD, MPH, Vetta Sanders Thompson, Graham Colditz
This line of research strives to engage all members of the community throughout the research process to help navigate the healthcare process.

Community Outreach: Mobile Mammography Van
Faculty involved: Bettina Drake, Graham Colditz, Su-Hsin Chang
This project worked towards increasing and providing effective mammography screening for women in the St. Louis area.

Dietary Habits in Rural Guatemala Adolescent Women
Faculty involved: Yikyung Park
This project addresses poor dietary and physical activity habits in rural Guatemalan adolescent women.

Disparities in Adherence to Adjuvant Therapy for DCIS and Outcomes
Faculty involved: Ying Liu
Ying Liu, MD, PhD, assistant professor of surgery, has received a three-year, research scholar grant from the American Cancer Society to study disparities associated wtih ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS).

Disparities in Young-Onset Colorectal Cancer Survival
Faculty involved: Yin Cao
Dr. Yin Cao received a Young Investigator Award from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. This two-year award will support Dr. Cao in her work addressing colorectal cancer survival disparities among patients diagnosed under age 50 through integrating patients, treatment, and tumor molecular characteristics.

Improving Rural Colon Cancer Screening
Faculty involved: Aimee James, Esther Lu, Graham Colditz, Jean Hunleth
This project will address colorectal cancer mortality rates in rural Southern Illinois by improving the screening process and follow-up for patients who have a positive fecal blood test (FOBT, FIT).

Integration of Genomic & Social Science in Breast Cancer Disparities Research
Faculty involved: Erin Linnenbringer
This four-year project examines existing data to investigate potential interplay among state-level inequalities (defined by race and/or gender), individual-level health behaviors, and genomic markers associated with estrogen receptor negative (ER-) breast cancer.

Program Evaluation of Community Engagement
Faculty involved: Aimee James, Graham Colditz, Vetta Sanders Thompson, Bettina Drake, Esther Lu, Jean Hunleth
Community-based participatory research (CBPR) helps give community members voice in academic research. These projects evaluated current and past CBPR projects to discovery future best practices.

Program for the Elimination of Cancer Disparities (PECaD)
Faculty involved: Graham Colditz, Aimee James, Bettina Drake, Vetta Sanders Thompson
The mission of Siteman Cancer Center’s Program for the Elimination of Cancer Disparities (PECaD) is to create a national model for eliminating local and regional disparities in cancer education, prevention and treatment. Through a community advisory committee and community partnerships, PECaD works with community representatives to find solutions that reduce disparities.

The New Face of Homelessness: A CRFT Project
Faculty involved: Vetta Sanders Thompson
Alumni of the first Community Research Fellows Training (CRFT) program created this project, which focused on identifying the health needs and concerns of homeless women ages 45-64 living in the St. Louis metropolitan area.

Understanding & Addressing Cost Related Nonadherence to Medication
Faculty involved: Aimee James
Nonadherence can have significant negative health effects for the individual and contribute to increases in hospitalization, healthcare costs, and mortality. Adherence is a complex issue, but cost and affordability of medication is a common and critical barrier.The short-term objective is to identify how patients and healthcare providers approach affordability and adherence and use those data to refine and pilot test an intervention promoting patient-provider discussion about cost, affordability, and adherence. The long- term objective is to deliver interventions to reduce cost-related nonadherence.

Unemployment and Mental Health Literacy: A CRFT Project
Faculty involved: Vetta Sanders Thompson
This CRFT Alumni project, Unemployment and Mental Health Literacy among African American Mothers in St. Louis County, examined levels of stress experienced by unemployed African American mothers and whether educational materials about the effects of stress related to unemployment improved their recognition of stress, stress management and knowledge of when to seek services.