October 2016
PECaD is excited to announce the completion of the 8 Ways translation project. In fall 2015, PECaD began translating the 8 Ways brochures into Spanish and Bosnian. Each 8 Ways brochure highlights tips to reduce a person’s risk for breast cancer, colon cancer, staying healthy before cancer, and tips to stay healthy after cancer. PECaD was able to finalize the brochures in August 2016. Each of the four brochures are now available in both Bosnian and Spanish. Online PDFs of the 8 Ways brochures are also available for download in English, Spanish, and Bosnian.
PECaD began circulating the translated brochures at outreach events this fall as well as through community partnerships and organizations. The Bosnian and Spanish versions of the brochures feature the same messaging as the English versions, and will focus on informing audience members of simple steps people can take to improve their overall health, and reduce their risk for certain cancers. To request brochures, please email PECaD at pecad@wustl.edu. PECaD is now also working the Kathryn M. Buder Center for American Indian Studies at Washington University to create an 8 Ways colon cancer brochure for the American Indian population.

January 2016

In an effort to reach minority immigrant populations in the St. Louis area, PECaD has begun translating the 8ight Ways cancer prevention and screening materials into Bosnian and Spanish. The project is an exciting beginning to reaching new communities within St. Louis and the Metro East area, furthering the PECaD mission of eliminating cancer disparities. Each 8ight Ways brochure highlights tips to reduce a person’s risk for breast cancer, colon cancer, staying healthy before cancer, and how to stay to healthy after cancer. Upon completion, each of the four brochures will be available in both Bosnian and Spanish.
“PECaD has a long history of reaching underserved populations, and in the past two years we’ve been slowly building relationships with the Latino population in South St. Louis City and the Metro East,” said Suzanne Lino-Camacho, PECaD translation project lead. “Through our partnerships, our community partners have expressed just how important it is to have culturally relevant and linguistically competent cancer prevention materials in multiple languages. Approximately 6% of our St. Louis community is foreign born and the number increases every year. With our 8ight Ways to Prevent Cancer series translated into Spanish and Bosnian – two of the languages most spoken in St. Louis region other than English – we can continue our outreach efforts with our growing immigrant communities.”
PECaD will begin circulating the translated brochures at events in 2016. The Bosnian and Spanish versions of the brochures will feature the same messaging as the English versions, and will focus on informing each audience of simple steps people can take to improve their overall health, and reduce their risk for certain cancers.