In spring 2017, the Program for the Elimination of Cancer Disparities (PECaD) expanded the 8ight Ways brochure series to include large print versions and Vietnamese editions of each brochure. With these two projects, PECaD hopes to provide cancer prevention education and information to new subgroups in the St. Louis region. PECaD recognizes the need to be inclusive in our health education literature and is excited for each of these projects. We thank our community partners for their help with this project, and for feedback to begin them. Both the large print and Vietnamese brochures feature the same messaging as the original English versions, and focus on informing community members of simple steps people can take to improve their overall health, and reduce their risk for certain cancers.
Each 8ight Ways brochure highlights tips to reduce a person’s risk for breast cancer, colon cancer, staying healthy before cancer, and how to stay healthy after cancer. The large print brochures were completed in June and the Vietnamese brochures are on target to be finalized before fall. These brochures will be available both in print and online documents. If you or a community organization are interested in receiving these brochures, please contact PECaD.