Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH receives the Brinker Award

Congrats to Graham Colditz, MD, DrPH., chief of PHS, on receiving the Brinker Award for Scientific Distinction in Population Science at the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. This award, in its inaugural year, is presented to a researcher who has made pivotal advancements in implementing science, cancer care delivery, health services research, epidemiology and/or developed […]

Researchers Seek to Improve How Patients and Care Teams Make Decisions (Links to an external site)

The Center for Collaborative Care Decisions (CCCD) is home to a team of researchers and community collaborators with an admirable mission: to improve the quality of health decisions and advance health equity. Led by members of the Division of Public Health Sciences at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the Center engages patients and the public using clear communication, quality evidence and patient-centered goals of care.

Toriola named Danforth WashU Physician-Scientist Scholar (Links to an external site)

A group of people sitting on a bench.

Adetunji T. Toriola, MD, PhD, a professor of surgery in the Division of Public Health Sciences at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, has been named a William H. Danforth Washington University Physician Scholar. He is the second physician-researcher named as part of the School of Medicine’s new Physician-Scientist Investigators Initiative, which supports pioneering physician-scientists whose work already has transformed their fields.

Being a Smart Consumer of Health Information

Originally appeared in:  TOGETHER – Every Woman’s Guide to Preventing Breast Cancer. Although the modern version of the Internet has been around for close to twenty years, it still functions a lot like the Wild West. This is especially so when it comes to health information. Although there has always been unreliable and outright dangerous […]